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The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

Like any parent, my wife and I were overjoyed when our daughter entered our lives. As new parents, we quickly learned that parenthood is a journey filled with surprises, challenges, and profound moments of growth. After consulting with professionals, it became clear that our daughter could benefit from Occupational Therapy to enhance her sensory integration skills, fine motor skills, and overall development. Our experiences led to transformative changes in our lives. They inspired me to create a facility in our neighborhood dedicated to providing pediatric PT and OT services with a sensory gym.

Discovering the World of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy opened up a whole new world for us. It wasn’t just about addressing specific challenges but about fostering holistic growth and providing tools to navigate everyday life. Witnessing OT’s positive impact on our daughter ignited a passion within me to share these benefits with others in our community.

The Need for Sensory Gym Services

As I delved deeper into the world of Occupational Therapy, I recognized a significant gap in our neighborhood – the absence of a dedicated sensory gym facility. Sensory gyms are specially designed spaces with equipment and activities to support sensory development in children.

Benefits of Sensory Gyms

  1. Sensory Integration: Sensory gyms are designed to offer a variety of sensory encounters, encompassing the sense of touch, visual, auditory, vestibular (movement), and proprioceptive (body awareness) input. Engaging in these activities can help individuals better process and integrate sensory information.
  2. Improved Attention and Focus: Gym sensory activities can help individuals regulate their sensory systems, leading to improved attention and focus. For individuals with conditions like ADHD, sensory input can have a calming effect, making it easier to concentrate on tasks.
  3. Enhanced Motor Skills: Many sensory gym activities involve movement, climbing, swinging, and other physical actions. Engaging in these activities can contribute to developing gross and fine motor skills, coordination, and balance.
  4. Emotional Regulation: Sensory experiences can positively impact emotional regulation. Activities in a sensory gym may help individuals self-regulate their emotions, reducing stress and anxiety.
  5. Social Interaction: Sensory gyms often provide a space for social interaction. Engaging in activities with peers or therapists can help individuals develop social skills and improve their ability to navigate social situations.
  6. Body Awareness: The proprioceptive input provided in a sensory gym helps individuals develop a better sense of their bodies in space. This increased body awareness can contribute to improved coordination and spatial orientation.
  7. Sensory Seeking or Avoiding Behaviors: Individuals with sensory processing issues may engage in sensory-seeking or avoiding behaviors. A sensory gym allows them to fulfill their sensory needs in a controlled and beneficial environment.
The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

I saw an opportunity to bridge this gap and create a space that could serve my daughter and other children in the community facing similar challenges.

Motivated to make a difference, I created “Ditmas Park Wellness.” This facility would be a haven for children needing sensory support, offering a range of activities and equipment designed to stimulate various senses and promote overall well-being.

Designing the space and creating a sensory gym involves thoughtful design to ensure a safe and engaging environment. I collaborated with professionals, including occupational therapists and sensory specialists, to design a space that catered to the diverse needs of children. Each element, from sensory walls to therapeutic swings, was carefully chosen to provide a holistic sensory experience.

After months of planning and hard work, Ditmas Park Wellness opened its doors to the community. The joy and excitement on the faces of the children, including my daughter, were priceless. The facility became a hub for therapeutic interventions and a place for families to connect, share experiences, and support one another.

The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters
Fine Motor Workshop

Mondays and Wednesdays 3:45-4:15 for grades K-2
Use Coupon Code BKL2024 for 10% off
Open Play is offered every day!
Pediatric PT and OT
Adult PT and Pelvic Floor Therapy

Call: (347) 394-3485, Text: (917) 426-8880
Email: [email protected]
(we respond to emails right away!)

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The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

Meg Tyger Tyner

Meg Tyger Tyner PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Strength Coach Meg Tyger Tyner PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS is a dedicated entrepreneur specializing in physical therapy of all ages. With a deep passion for children's health and well-being, they foundedTyner Physical Therapy, Ditmas Park Wellness and The Parisi Speed School at ARC Athletics to provide specialized care and support for young patients. Brooklyn @ 1103 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11218 Ditmasparkwellness.com Tyner Physical Therapy and The Parisi Speed School at ARC Athletics @ 5 Harrison Street, NY, NY 10013 tynerpt.com
The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

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The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

Meg Tyger Tyner

Meg Tyger Tyner PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer, Strength Coach Meg Tyger Tyner PT, DPT, ATC, CSCS is a dedicated entrepreneur specializing in physical therapy of all ages. With a deep passion for children's health and well-being, they foundedTyner Physical Therapy, Ditmas Park Wellness and The Parisi Speed School at ARC Athletics to provide specialized care and support for young patients. Brooklyn @ 1103 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11218 Ditmasparkwellness.com Tyner Physical Therapy and The Parisi Speed School at ARC Athletics @ 5 Harrison Street, NY, NY 10013 tynerpt.com
The Path to Ditmas Park Wellness, Brooklyn Letters

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