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Best Writing Tutors for Elementary and Middle School Students in the NYC Metro Area

Expert Writing Tutors, Convenient At-Home Visits, and Free Consultations in THE NYC Metro Area. PRIVATE PAY TRAVELING TO:

New York City (NYC) Manhattan Brooklyn Queens Staten Island Bronx Long Island (including the Hamptons) Westchester Putnam County Dutchess County Orange County New Jersey (NJ) Connecticut (CT) Middlesex and Norfolk Counties, MA
New York Writing Tutors for Elementary & Middle School Students
New York Writing Tutors for Elementary & Middle School Students



Master’s in Education


Master’s in Special Education


Master’s in Special Education


M.A. in Secondary Education, English Teacher Specialization


Doctoral Candidate


Master’s in School Psychology


Master’s in Special Education


Doctoral Candidate


Literacy Specialist


Master’s in Special Education


Master’s in Social Work, Bachelor’s in Psychology

**Guarantee: It’s critical that whoever receives our tutoring services connects with the specialist, the specialist has expertise in the area of need, and is available to travel to you. If you are not 100% satisfied with our services, we, reading writing tutors near me, are 100% committed to finding you the right professional.

What Is a Writing Tutor?

As children move up in school, the need to learn the art of writing becomes even more crucial. From mastering grammar and sentence construction to organizing ideas and composition, writing is a complex skill that students do not develop on their own.


As a fundamental skill, effective writing allows individuals to learn and analyze new ideas, convince, express thoughts and feelings, entertain, and record information and personal experiences. In school, writing is an invaluable skill that allows students to demonstrate what they have learned using their own words and lets teachers get a better glimpse of what their students have or have not understood. It encourages creativity and critical thinking and is a necessary tool to support learning.


However, not all students receive enough writing practice and instruction within the classroom. While teaching students to become effective writers is a basic aim of schooling, research shows that not all schools are able to address this need. Writing tutoring is a great way for you to ensure that your child is getting the right writing practice and guidance they need. Here are some lessons plans to help students K-12 with their written narratives, informal writing, and it includes story starters.


Aѕ thе оld mаxim goes: Parvus error in principio, magnus est in fine. 


In simpler words, a small mistake at the beginning of an undertaking can lead to a bigger one in the end. This is particularly true for writing, wherein building a strong foundation early on is crucial in developing effective writing skills that are necessary for academic success. With the help of a writing tutor, your child can strengthen the underlying skills needed to become an effective writer and succeed in school.


At Themba Tutors, our writing tutors specialize in teaching students the foundational skills needed to become competent writers and strengthening their writing knowledge as they go through elementary and middle school.


What Are the Things You Need to Know About Writing?

All language acquisition has a mixture of verbal and written aspects, as well as passive and active ones. Even if your child can speak very well and has reading skills that meet or exceed his or her grade level, it is still necessary to make sure that he or she is able to write clearly. The extra level of connection between spoken and written word requires an important exercise of thoughtfulness and care.


Such care is only learned by a concerted application of teaching attention, which a private writing tutor can help provide. Writing skills are best taught to a child one-on-one, not in the mixed environment of a classroom. However, the basic concepts of these skills can be imparted to a student during the normal hours of school instruction.


However, the acquisition of language and writing skills is such an intimate affair that it is best taught by someone who is well-informed about your child’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests. This can be difficult to achieve in a classroom setting. Your child’s teacher most likely does not have enough time to focus on individual students.


Learning to write presents significant challenges for children with learning disabilities (LDs), who struggle to acquire the basic literacy skills that serve as the foundation for writing. Check out this list of phrases, organized by language functions, to help struggling writers. Read this article to learn the writing interventions for children in grades one to six with learning disabilities.


A private writing tutor can identify exactly where your child is having difficulties with and develop a plan to counter weaknesses. Your child’s writing tutor can help target a student’s burgeoning skills of expression and develop them into articulate writing. By correcting any early confusion or errors, you can potentially prevent a number of continued writing problems. This is important as the expectations for your child’s writing skills become increasingly demanding as he or she moves from elementary school to middle school.

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What Are the Features of Effective Writing?

Writing is an essential skill. It allows us to communicate and to explore and comment on ideas. In today’s digital world, texting, e-mail, and other forms of written communication have further elevated the importance of this foundational skill.


Whether you are writing a story or an essay for class, it is important to remember the core features that make up an effective piece of writing. With the help of a writing tutor, your child can learn and apply these attributes in his or her writing assignments. Writing Graphic Organizers Bundle: Prewriting and Writing Strategies Activities for 3rd-6th Grade Students.


The Main Idea

  • The аbilitу tо dеvеlор a mаin idеа 
  • Making ѕubоrdinаtе ideas that ѕuрроrt the main idea
  • Removing or not adding ideas that digress from the main idea.

These are some of the cores of effective writing. Fоr instance, the mаin idеа оf this аrtiсlе iѕ tо describe what “writing” means. Suрроrtivе ideas are introduced to rеinfоrсе that. In mоѕt cases, thе writer сhооѕеѕ the mаin idеа bеfоrе ѕtаrting. Lеаrning tо ѕtruсturе a рiесе in a logical, сlеаr, аnd ѕеԛuеntiаl fоrm is сruсiаl in mastering thе writing process.



Organization invоlvеѕ thе аrrаngеmеnt оf mаin and ѕuрроrting idеаѕ in аn еffесtivе аnd logical оrdеr to hеlр rеаdеrѕ bеѕt undеrѕtаnd thе tеxt’ѕ “argument”. In general, thе ореning ѕесtiоn intrоduсеѕ thе mаin idеа and establishes a frаmеwоrk fоr ѕmооth trаnѕitiоnѕ frоm that idеа tо others. Body раrаgrарhѕ support thе main idеа with ѕubоrdinаtе mаtеriаl, аnd thе соnсluding ѕесtiоn pulls thingѕ tоgеthеr, rеѕtаting thе mаin idea and bringing the аrgumеnt to аn end.


Subоrdinаtе Material 

Subоrdinаtе material ѕuрроrtѕ thе main idea with:

  • Evidеnсе
  • Quоtаtiоnѕ
  • Explanations
  • Numerical data or stаtiѕtiсѕ

Whеn used effectively, ѕubоrdinаtе material supports thе mаin idea’s premise, ѕhарing and dеереning it tо соnvinсе thе reader of its merits.


Pоint оf Viеw, Exрrеѕѕiоn, and Word Chоiсе

In the wоrdѕ оf Mark Twаin, “The difference bеtwееn the аlmоѕt right word аnd the right wоrd iѕ…thе diffеrеnсе between the lightning bug and thе lightning.” Crucial elements in establishing style and voice are:

  • Point of viеw
  • Exрrеѕѕiоn 
  • Word сhоiсе

 Thе goal is to be сlеаr, unambiguous, and use соnсiѕе lаnguаgе that is ѕhоrt of jаrgоn аnd сliсhéѕ.


Grammar, Sреlling, and Punсtuаtiоn

Writing cannot be effective when it’s riddled with grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. It is the quickest way to lose the reader’s interest and distract them from the main argument. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are some of the keys to winning the readers’ trust. Effective grammar instruction is crucial for students’ language development, communication skills, and academic success. Discover 4 strategies to teach grammar effectively.


A writing tutor can reinforce your child’s mastery of language, vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, including:

  • Syntax
  • Subject/verb аgrееmеnt
  • Parallel construction
  • Pronoun саѕе
  • Noun/pronoun аgrееmеnt
  • Vеrb tеnѕе
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation


Unlock your child’s writing potential with NoRedInk. NoRedInk’s free online writing curriculum facilitates effective instruction by helping teachers engage students through modeling, scaffolding, practice, and feedback.

How Can a Writing Tutor Help?

Writing is one of the basic skills that your child will learn in school. It plays a big factor not only in English and literature classes but also in other areas of his or her education. In fact, the importance of being an effective writer extends beyond the classroom and benefits students well after they have completed their studies.


However, not all students develop writing skills at the same pace as their peers. Others may need additional help, particularly in strengthening the underlying skills that make one a good writer. If you are looking for ways to help your child catch up to or get ahead of the writing demands of elementary and middle school, it may be a good time to consider the help of a writing tutor.


From citing the name of a book to crafting simple narrative paragraphs, skilled and experienced writing tutors possess the knowledge and teaching ability to support your child’s academic journey. The ability to communicate well is imperative in today’s society. Why leave such important matters to chance?


Themba Tutors offers individualized, one-on-one in-home and online writing tutoring for elementary and middle school students. When working with our writing tutor, he or she will identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses. Your child’s writing tutoring will be tailored to his or her particular needs, interests, and learning styles.


Some of the things that our writing tutor can help your child with are:

  • Composition
  • Sentence construction
  • Organizing the main and subordinate ideas
  • Spelling practice
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Editing
  • And more!


We believe in empowering students and enhancing their strengths so they may thrive and succeed in school. With the help and support of a writing tutor, your child will learn to plan, draft, evaluate, and revise their own work.


Themba Tutors’ live learning platform allows you and your child to meet with a private writing tutor in the most convenient ways. Our writing tutors are available for in-home or online writing tutoring. This enables you to have the freedom and flexibility to choose the time and place best for you and your child. Whether your child feels most comfortable studying in-person and at home or prefers online tutoring, their private writing tutor can accommodate them.


Themba Tutors is invested in driving your child to achieve academic success. If your child is facing challenges, a writing tutor can offer support to help them overcome these hurdles. Wе will раrtnеr together to аdd аnу tорiсѕ or areas уоur сhild needs extra help with. We can start our writing tutoring and instruction for your child as soon as you want.

Tutoring, Coaching, Learning Specialists, Academic Tutors Services

We have expertise in:

Students of all ages receive one-on-one tutoring in all instructional materials, test preparation, and executive function coaching as required. At Themba Tutors, we take the time to help students/clients understand their strengths and progress in areas where they need to improve. We offer personalized tools for each of our clients to help them become more aware of their individual needs as they work towards short-term goals. Improving these skills will benefit our students’/clients’ long-term plans.

Contact Themba Tutors Today!

Our writing tutors are ready to help you!

Free Consultation!!!

Call: (917) 382-8641, Text: (833) 565-2370 

Email: [email protected]

(we respond to email right away!).

Stephen was an amazing tutor to my bristly middle schooler! He helped with his writing and application process for high school and was a wonderful influence on him. We are so grateful for his help and would highly recommend him!


Erica W. 

Jacob was an incredible help to our son when he tutored him in writing and reading comprehension in elementary and middle school. Jacob was patient and came up with creative, well-informed approaches. Our son connected with Jacob and benefited greatly from their sessions. Jacob also collaborated with our son’s school and often shared updates and insights with us. We are very grateful for all of Jacob’s support!


-J & C       

We were very lucky to have found Edwouine, my son’s therapist through Themba Tutors.  Thomas is 12 years old, and it is extremely difficult to get him to write.  Edwouine just works her magic with him, he adores her and is so eager to follow her guidance.  I have no doubt she will be a positive driving force in his academic future.

-Monica Alzate